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Move Forward Duluth

Playing politics

On May 18th Move Forward Duluth went to the press about a complaint they filed with the St. Louis County Auditor, Melanie Ford. They have accused Let Duluth Vote of failing to file a campaign finance report for doing the same things they have been doing for the last year or so. In doing so they have raised interesting issues which members of Let Duluth Vote have been pondering for a long time. They may be correct that LDV should have filed a report. If so, this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Where is their finance report?

Who has been contributing money to them as they have extolled the virtues of the School Board members who support the Red Plan? They've spent a lot of money campaigning for these incumbents. 

They have recently pulled their website off the Internet. That website might have provided considerable evidence of their political activites. Many people commented early on how much it looked like the Duluth School Board's website. Who put it together? Harry Welty manages the Let Duluth Vote Website.  It costs about $100 a year to keep up on the Internet.


If you care about Duluth and its schools 
don't put your faith in the Duluth News Tribune
The last word on the Red Plan can be found on Harry Welty's blog:
And if you're looking for some particular piece of information use the blog's search function.
You never can tell what you'll find.