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Some City Councilor are treating the School Board's Red Plan as none of their business. This is extremely short sighted and quite frankly wrong.

If your neighbor decides to paint his home with sex scenes, or plants poison ivy, or pours chamber pots on his lawn you have some rights. The School Board and the City Council represent the same people and draw from the same well.

The recent meeting between the City Council and the School Board is only the latest of many stretching back some time. 

In many big US Cities there is a vigorous effort by city government to take over failing schools. Some states put school boards under the control of the City. Often the School Board appeals to City pols to endorse School Board projects. Last week I read in the short column about bygone days in the Trib a story about Mayor Ben Boo endorsing one such referendum.

And there's this: Harry Welty has been remodeling his basement and recently found an old yellowed Duluth News Herald from October, 2, 1930 wedged above his old ceiling. Herbert Hoover was president. The City Council obviously felt no compunction about interfering with that Era's school board.


If you care about Duluth and its schools 
don't put your faith in the Duluth News Tribune
The last word on the Red Plan can be found on Harry Welty's blog:
And if you're looking for some particular piece of information use the blog's search function.
You never can tell what you'll find.