The Red Plan’s Urban Renewal
acquiring homes through E D - Erectile Dysfunction
By Harry Welty
In 2007 there was little or no public disclosure about the
possibility of using eminent domain to acquire property. The people whose homes
were likely to be acquired were not contacted until 2008 the year after the
School Board race during which the use of such a law could have made a
significant difference in the election’s outcomes.
The power of Eminent Domain has been used with abandon in
the Red Plan. 41 properties including 39 homes are being acquired. For nine
million dollars the City’s tax base will be reduced and many homes will be
turned into parking lots.
In some cases homeowners or landlords have been willing and
a few eager to surrender their homes. In one location,
High School
constant pressure from students parking in the neighborhood has probably made
homeowners more willing to sell.
As a school board member I was very aware of the
unhappiness of many Denfeld homeowners about being overrun with student’s
parked cars in front of their homes. It was an ERA of penny pinching but I
inquired about the possibility of purchasing vacant land for parking to the
south of the school on
Grand Avenue
. See Google Earth image of the lot.

One objection to this would be the necessity of having
students in such a parking lot cross busy
Grand Avenue
to reach school because it would have posed a safety issue. On the other hand
they would have had to drive along
Grand Avenue
to get to Denfeld in the first place and that too is something of a hazard.
The distance to Denfeld from a parking lot on the south
side of Grand Avenue would only have been about two blocks a distance that is
similar to that which East High students park in the rented Holy Rosary parking
lots. Many students at Denfeld H.S. park in residential areas much farther away
and have to cross many streets (although not particularly busy ones) to walk to
the high school.
My suggestion of acquiring this land which I once raised
with Kerry Leider was not pursued. I don’t know if anyone from
ever considered using eminent domain to acquire this vacant land. No one would
have lost a home as a result.
In the
Elementary school
neighborhood homes across the street are also being targeted for eminent
domain. The school sits on a block which it shares with a number of homes on the
western side of the block. While I was on the school board the District was
slowly acquiring these homes as they were being vacated by homeowners. Eminent
Domain was never considered. In time we might have faced the prospect of using
the law but only for those buildings on the same block as the school.
Under the
plan homes are now being acquired for parking lots
across from the school. Ironically one of them is owned by a man who for
years has asked the city for permission to put a garage on his property. He has
been repeatedly been turned down because his land sits on a watershed. Now
will acquire his property by eminent domain and turn it into - a parking lot.
This is one of the issues which
’s Planning Commission was worried about when it approved much of the Red Plan
as “separate” projects allowing them to proceed without a time consuming
environmental review. The Commission warned that Lester Park was one of the
separate projects that would require additional review when it was closer to

The reason that E. D. is being considered for Lester Park
is troubling. A new school with parking lots could easily fit on the block which
the school already sits on. All that would be required to construct it on a
single lot would be to have its students sent for one year to other nearby
schools, Rockridge and
Middle school
. Then Lester Park could be torn down and rebuilt. A year later the students
could be returned and no home acquisition would be needed across the street.
When I was on the School Board former Superintendent Mark Myles seriously
suggested that Ordean be converted to an elementary school and for a couple
years it had both 5th and 6th grade students. (Rather than
have her elementary school daughters attend Ordean, Current School Board member
Judy Seliga-Punyko took them out and sent them to an elementary school in Two
It would be relatively easy to transfer the students out of
Lester Park for a year because of the District’s current 28% over capacity.
There would be plenty of room to house these students for a construction year.
The aggressive five-year building schedule that
devised makes this unworkable. So many building will be under construction that
it will not be possible to transfer Lester Park students for a single year and
so they will have to stay in the old school while a new one is constructed on
the same block. This requires putting in parking lots across the street to make
the construction possible and this is why eminent domain must be used to acquire
homes across the street.
Unlike the acquiescent Denfeld neighbors the Lester Park
neighbors are putting up a fight. Time will tell whether they will win or
whether they too will be relocated because the Red Plan was a rush job.