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Duluth Vote’s “Deseg” report to the Minnesota Commissioner of Education.

The first likely casualties of the Red Plan will be the district’s magnet schools. In their place will come a division of the city that will segregate the Duluth schools as never before. Ironically, one of the primary statutes being invoked by the Duluth School Board to divide Duluth on the basis of race is one of the very laws which gives school districts with “integration plans” the right to build without resort to a referendum, Minnesota Statute Section 126C.40, Subdivision 6 – Installment Contracts and Lease Purchase Agreements. This law can be found in part on page 103 of the District’s report for review and comment.

The Eligibility requirements of this statute include under section (b) quote: “A district, for purposes of this statute, means a school district required to have a comprehensive plan for the elimination of segregation, determined to be in compliance by the Commissioner of Education.”

The plan submitted to the Minnesota Deptarment of Education proposes the most racially divisive boundary possible for the Duluth School District. On the western side of the bifurcated Duluth the three most racially concentrated neighborhoods: They include the West end, the Central Hillside and the East Hillside .

Page six of JCI’s report for comment and review shows the designated line at 14th Ave East . It has been chosen because it most clearly divides the District into two roughly equal student populations. In addition to lumping the vast majority of the City’s current anf future minority students in the western half of the School District , so too it concentrates the free and reduced lunch population which is the euphemism applied to the children of poorer families.

And to compound the injury the Red Plan makes no provision for the continuance of the District’s Commissioner approved Desegregation Program which the District has relied on for twenty years to racially balance the district voluntarily.

Page 6 of JCI’s report for review and comment shows the new division of the Duluth School District .

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